I'll work on it when I feel like it!
Welcome to Mitsu's website! Currently under construction! In the mean time... why not say hi at kmtsi@aol.com? Otherwise, you're probably better off hitting the "Back" button, because there's not really much of anything here. I'm still learning HTML so I don't know when this website will have any content on it...... You're still here? Nice.. uhh.. you ever listen to Boards of Canada? They're pretty good. Geogaddi is my favourite album. I have it on CD... Autechre is good too. You like this Marquee tag? You must like it, because you're still here. Check that .GIF out. I think it's full colour. You don't see many under construction GIFs on the internet anymore. I guess people stopped making their own websites anymore... Either that or they can make them faster than I can. I imagine if I put more effort into it I'd have a little bit of a site, but what am I going to put in it? Tables? Span bars? Some kind of fancy code? I like to keep it minimal. Simple and straightforward, that's what I say. Anyway, you've stuck around through this marquee for quite some time now I'd imagine, so thanks for doing that. You ain't a quitter. I like that. You're determined to see this through huh. Well... I guess we are nearing the end of the marquee. XXXXX See look those are the iconic end-of-marquee markings. So here it comes. The end of the Marquee. Any second now. It's like watching a really slow moving train or something isn't it. Chugga-chugga-chugga. No, actually, it's like trying to decide what you want at those restaurants with the sushi conveyer belts. I think there's some Takoyaki coming up. If you say Marquee enough it doesn't sound like a real word anymore. I don't think it was a real word to begin with. It's probably some french word. It sounds french. I like the French they make good bread. I don't know how a country comes up with the idea to make bread long but they were cooking with that one. Both literally and figuratively. You're really sitting through this a lot huh. Well I guess I can't hold you here forever. It was fun while it lasted. I guess we will see eachother when this text loops back around again, so good bye random internet user! I hope you get to see my corner of the internet when it's fully functional and I've planned a proper layout for it! Bye-bye! Oh, and P.S. We were all out of Takoyaki.